This is how we view Membership.


We like the way the Church of God identifies its members.

No one person decides that another will or will not be admitted to membership in a local group. Neither congregations nor congregational leaders vote on who shall be received as members. The Church of God believes that when one accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, God places that person in the church (Acts 2:47;1 Corinthians 12:18).
Salvation is the criterion for membership in a congregation of the Church of God.

We also like what the Church of God says about maintaining membership in the church. One maintains membership by participating in the worship services and fellowship of the congregation. Amazingly, in a culture that seems to thrive on lists and membership statements, the Church of God has effectively carried on an expanding ministry in about ninety countries and established strong congregations that are involved in both person-oriented spiritual ministries and community-oriented social ministries. We like that.
And so, if you go to a Church of God congregation in Detroit, Michigan, or in Jackson, Mississippi, or in Los Angeles, California, and say, “I”d like to join the church,” do not be surprised if the pastor or some layperson says something like, “My friend, if you are a Christian, you are already a member of God”s church, and that is good enough for us. We invite you to worship with us. We will help you get acquainted and find your place in the life and work of the congregation.”

In some of our congregations, we refer to each other as “brothers” and “sisters” in the Lord. Other congregations encourage the use of first names. These are ways of expressing our commitment and love for each other, both as friends and as children of God. We think you will like that.

How Can a Person Join the Church of God?

1. If you are not a Christian (that is, not saved, not born anew, not a disciple of Jesus Christ), then you will want to confess your sins in prayer, ask God to forgive your sinful way of living, and invite Jesus Christ to come into your life as Savior and Lord. You may be able to do this alone, but many persons have found that the assistance of a thoughtful and mature Christian is helpful at this time (Matthew 11:28). When you accept Jesus Christ as Savior, you are born into the church You are a new creation in Christ (John 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 5:17). Through the cross you have become a member.

2. If you are a Christian (that is, saved, born anew, a disciple of Jesus Christ), then let the pastor and other persons in the congregation know you are a Christian and begin worshiping and working with them. Then say to family, friends, and acquaintances, “I am a member of the Church of God.” Your witness at this point is important to you and to the church. Because of the cross, you are a member.

Practical Perspectives on Membership

a. A person who has been a member of a denomination may wish, for his or her own purposes, to bring a letter to the local Church of God pastor; however, you are not required to bring a letter. Your personal affirmation of faith, your participation, and your Christian character will demonstrate that you are a part of the family of God.

b. A consistent demonstration of Christian character is appropriate before persons are recognized for responsible positions of leadership in the life of the local church.

c. There is room for differences of opinion in the fellowship. Perfect agreement on minute details of doctrine and practice is not required. An open mind and an open heart are characteristic of a vital group of Christians.

d. Congregations seek to carry on financial and property matters in a fashion consistent with common business practices and state laws. Therefore, each congregation defines voting membership in terms of age and gives indication of how long a person is expected to have been worshiping with the local group. Voting membership is identified to meet requirements of incorporation laws; among the requirements are a personal witness to a Christian experience and a lifestyle consistent with the teachings of the Church of God.

e. A person removes himself or herself from membership in the Church of God when he or she is no longer committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord or when his or her lifestyle is inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus and other clear teachings of the New Testament. Most persons do not have to be told of this; it is obvious to both the individual and the congregation. Many congregations have adopted a discipline process to counsel persons whose lifestyle is in question.

f. We have not always succeeded in being as open to fellowship Christians from other traditions as we would like. We have sometimes failed by “preaching” more than we “practiced.” Still we are seeking the ideals expressed and have been blessed as many thousands of others have said, “That”s the way I see it, too.” We ask that you be patient with us in our failures and work with us as we all learn to accept persons on the basis of their faith in Jesus Christ.